Movements for Moms to Be

Pregnant Pauses

• Alleviate pregnancy pain

• Increase your energy

• Move easier

• Sleep better

• Breathe deeper

• New & more effective ways to do Kegel exercises

A scientifically proven exercise program that alleviates your pregnancy pain, increases your energy and helps you have a healthier overall pregnancy.

Easy for all women throughout their entire pregnancy.

Weekly Classes Available

Taught by Paula Alonso, GCFP and

Pregnant Pauses is a direct application of the Feldenkrais® Method of Somatic Education. It is a movement program designed by Feldenkrais Instructor Alan Questel to change the way women experience pregnancy. Utilizing the latest research in movement, Pregnant Pauses alleviates pain and discomfort while increasing energy to ultimately provide an overall healthier pregnancy.

Pregnant Pauses improves your quality of life while helping you adjust to the changes occurring through each stage of your pregnancy. By doing small, gentle movements for only 20-40 minutes a day you will be amazed at how easily you will be able to do everyday tasks such as rolling over in bed, getting up or down; sleeping, breathing and moving more freely…even learning how to do Kegel exercises in an easier, more efficient way.

As well as doing group classes for Pregnant Moms at Movement Dialogues, you can purchase Alan’s Pregnant Pauses DVD set to support your practice and comfort at home. The DVD has over 7 hours of proven instruction compiled into 6 different “Pauses” each aimed to teach simple movement methods, explained step by step so you will gain maximum benefit. In addition there are short talks to help you understand the thinking and theory behind each “Pause.” At Movement Dialogues we also provide continued support after the birth of your child with Child’Space Charlotte.

Easier than Yoga, more fun than Pilates,

you’ll be guided to a new understanding of how your body works

and how you can move!

Pregnant Pauses and Child’Space Charlotte at Movement Dialogues

4805 Park Road, Suite 200

Charlotte, NC 28209

About Alan

Alan S. Questel is the creator of Pregnant Pauses - Movement for Moms.

For over 25 years Alan has worked with pregnant women and has brought together an extensive knowledge about the movement needs women experience throughout their pregnancy and how they can move more easily and comfortably during and after their preg- nancies.

Alan was trained by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the creator of the Feldenkrais Method® of Somatic Education and has practiced full time since 1983. He has lectured and taught at hospitals, colleges and Professional Training Programs throughout the U.S., Mexico, Australia, Europe, Japan and Canada, teaching people from all walks of life (people with physical and neurological challenges, athletes, artists, actors, dancers and musicians) helping them move and function better.

Today Alan spends much of his time teaching worldwide in Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs teaching people to become Feldenkrais Practitioners.

Alan has taught at, among other places, Princeton University, S.U.N.Y. College at Purchase, The Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, CA, the New York Open Center, the New Actors Workshop, NYC, and at Mother Teresa’s Shishu Bhavan in Calcutta, India.

Alan is known for his clarity, creativity and down to earth style of teaching. He brings a depth of understanding, humor and a gentle human perspective to learning and creates lively conditions for self-discovery.