Creating healthy, stronger bones through natural movement
Bones for Life is a movement program developed by Ruthy Alon, Ph.D. based on the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Originally designed to halt and even reverse the deterioration of bone tissue, the program uses mindful exploration, pressure, rhythm, and vibration with particular focus on alignment, fluidity in movement and finding strength through organization thus stimulating bone health. It is the perfect way for anyone to find both their freedom of movement as well as their balance and stability in a way that directly integrates into daily life activities.
A critical component of the program is habituating students to the ability to fall safety. This is developed slowly through the use of the natural form of the spiral. Current studies posit that the ability to move and to fall safely has more impact on the health of bones than bone density. Utilizing this movement of the spiral in simple daily activities brings that availability to our system when needed. Processes to develop the movements in this program reduce tension, enhanced posture, improved coordination, increased flexibility, more stability, and.greater general comfort.
How to Study Bones for Life® in Charlotte
The program is taught in various formats.
(1) Click here for CLASS Information
(2) Click here for WORKSHOP Information
Class and Certificate Program sizes are limited.
The true benefit of the program: Biological Optimism
The Bonus: Strengthening the Bones
For more information: click on the national website
Benefits from the Bones for Life Program
There are many ancillary benefits for students of Bones for Life. They include:
rediscovering one’s potential for natural movement and efficient coordination;
enjoying a more effortlessly upright posture;
restoring the biological optimism that is inherent in a reliable skeleton;
deepening one’s core strength;
organizing the body’s alignment to absorb and manage the transmission of force using a domino-like system of support;
increasing the body’s resourcefulness in adjusting to equilibrium demands quickly;
finding a new lightness and spring in one’s walk;
calming down the nervous system
revitalizing bones, organs and every cell in your body with gentle vibratory stimulation
cultivating one’s inner focus; and,
expanding access to one’s innate creativity.
Ruthy Alon — Creator of Movement Intelligence Programs, FMI President Emeritus
About Ruthy Alon, Ph.D.
1930 - 2020
Bones for Life is based on the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, Ph.D and was developed by senior Feldenkrais Instructor, Ruthy Alon, Ph.D. Dr. Alon brought her extensive wealth of over 50 years of experience to provide movement processes that enable a participant to trust themselves to restore their own well being. Providing the conditions to improve bone health necessitates a full range of restoring abilities that feed everyday life.
Dr. Alon, author of Mindful Spontaneity has been featured in numerous instructional videos and DVDs, most notably Movement Nature Meant. Her Movement Intelligence programs are taught worldwide.