Remedies for Desk Dwellers
Addressing the Postural Impacts of Our Technological Society and Personal Addictions
Saturday, January 18, 2025
10 AM - 1 PM
Investment: $90
Are you chained to your desk each day? Do you move from your desk to collapse on your couch at the end of the day to unwind? Or perhaps you spend too many hours peering down at your smartphone. The question is: at what cost?
In this workshop we will offer remedies to help you through your day. We will first anchor in a number of solutions in longer processes then offer a “sniblet” that you can use day and night.
Enhancing your kinesthetic intelligence through these guided movement tasks will establish ways for you to respond to yourself beyond stretching to find comfort. Utilizing natural, spiraling patterns with ease settles your mind as you free your bodily tensions to allow your skeleton to support you which offers a foundation for life.
Come join us.
For this workshop you need to be able to lie on a mat on the floor, sit and stand. If you are in pain, you may want to start with a private hands on session.
Unbound Vitality
What is the one common denominator in any tension, disease or affliction? Movement is the key component to health, and often the most neglected. When we sense our vitality we feel healthy, capable and energetic — unbound. “Vita” refers to a feeling of aliveness which we can find each day.
In this workshop you will have the opportunity to experience a diverse set of movements based on the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, PhD and Ruthy Alon, PhD, the developer of the Movement Intelligence programs.
More than alignment and stretching. Deepen your strength and balance. Transform tension with Awareness through Movement®. This method of kinesthetic intelligence feeds our ability to think, to access/regulate our emotions and heighten our sensations through a guiding principle of EASE and fluidity connecting you to your vitality.
Enjoy movement processes that translate to your everyday life. Find your vitality and ease. For this workshop you need to be able to lie on a mat on the floor, sit and stand. If you are in pain, you may want to start with a private hands on session.
Saturday, 2025 TBA
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Investment: $90
On Site and On Zoom
Class size is limited. To join us:
Make your Workshop payments on the website thru PayPal or
call Brenda at 704.650.7252 to take your charge over the phone.
You will receive an email confirming your registration or to ask if you would like to be on a waiting list.
Walk for Life
Thomas Jefferson was 83
when he died.
The average lifespan at that time was between 30-40 years old.
He walked 4 miles a day.
How do you find a springy walk? What inhibits you? How could it be easier and feed every system of your body?
In this workshop we will be focusing on the walking pattern and finding how trekking poles support us finding the natural spiral with every step we take. We will be experiencing movement processes on the floor, sitting and standing.
This work is based on the Movement Intelligence programs of Ruthy Alon, Ph.D. Bones for Life and Walk for Life.
There is a pre-requisite of a Bones for Life workshop or Certificate Program.
We will be using trekking poles. There are a limited number available in my office if you do not own a set.
The last 30 minutes we will take a trek outdoors, weather permitting. You will need to be able to access your Zoom link by your smart phone and have some ear buds to hear. If you do not have any, you can purchase an inexpensive pair on Amazon.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Call Brenda Sorkin at 704.650.7252 or email
For more information about Bones for Life
For more information about the Bones for Life Certification and Immersion click here .
Workshop Selections from Past
The following is a selection of some of our past workshops. If you are interested in a particular workshop, gather 8 of your friends and we will teach it to fit your schedule. Call Brenda at 704.650.7252 or email to let her know your interest for future workshops..
Seeing: A Feldenkrais Vision Quest: exploring movement and vision
Balanced Vision: release eye tension, release body tension
Embodying Awareness: a Bones for Life workshop
Embodied Writing: breaking new ground through movement exploration and inspiration
There's No Pill for Posture: a Bones for Life workshop
What's It All About: touching your toes
The Basics: introduction to Bones for Life
The Dance of Stability and Flexibility
Nourish Yourself With Every Step You Take: a Walk For Life Workshop
Finding Your Roots: a Bones for Life workshop
Less Is More: a Bones for Life workshop
Coming To Our Senses: a Bones for Life workshop
How To Walk In High Heels: a Feldenkrais workshop
The Rhythms of Life: speaking to the gut brain, a Bones for Life workshop
Myth and Movement: the hidden side of Hera
Myth and Movement: bringing the feminine to light
Opening the Heart, Moving With Heart: a Feldenkrais workshop
Finding Our Uprightness: a Bones for Life workshop
Bones and Nutrition: a public lecture
The Inner Labyrinth: a Feldenkrais workshop
Exploring Bone Health: a public lecture
Finding Your Spiral: the Feldenkrais Way Or how to get down on the floor and back up
Using Your Brain For a Change: a Bones for LIfe workshop
Tending Your Garden: a Feldenkrais focus for life in the garden
Winter Wonderland: experiencing our foundations of movement
Change Your Age: a workshop on ageing gracefully
Winter Weather Alert
If there are bad conditions on the roads, we will reschedule workshops.
Call or text 704.650.7252 with questions or concerns.