There's No Pill for Posture

Workshops during the Bones for Life Certification and Immersion Segment 1

Dates: Friday, July 19 and Saturday, July 20, 2019

Time: 9:30 am - 1:00 p.m.

Investment: $65 per workshop -- each workshop is unique and open to the public

Guided by: Brenda Sorkin, GCFP, Bones for Life Senior Trainer

Posture depends on the integration of every part of our body participating together. It’s about developing a harmonious relationship rather than trying to stretch or correct one part. We guide ourselves in new experiences to connect to our body’s innate wisdom.

Do you “try” to make yourself erect? Do you push your shoulders back? In this workshop we will explore the ease of alignment through the movement sequences from the Movement Intelligence program Bones for Life, Segment 1 developed by Senior Feldenkrais Trainer Ruthy Alon, PhD. Click here for more information about the program.

The ability to focus attention with a nonjudgmental attitude is heightened as we find our own optimal biomechanics within harmonious integrated balance and coordination. By heightening our ability to sense ourselves, the weight of our body is spontaneously carried in the lease taxing, most efficient and pleasurable manner.

To register: First confirm availability of space with Brenda by email or phone

Call Brenda at 704.527.5996 if you have any questions,or email:

Workshops are $65 for 3 hour sessions